_forkname=yaocccc pkgname=picom-animations-git _gitname=picom pkgver=1786__2022.09.19 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="X compositor (fork of compton) (git-version; animation fork)" arch=(i686 x86_64) url="https://github.com/${_forkname}/${_gitname}" license=('MIT' 'MPL2') depends=('libgl' 'libev' 'pcre' 'libx11' 'xcb-util-renderutil' 'libxcb' 'xcb-util-image' 'libxext' 'pixman' 'libconfig' 'libdbus' 'hicolor-icon-theme') makedepends=('git' 'mesa' 'meson' 'asciidoc' 'uthash' 'xorgproto') optdepends=('dbus: To control picom via D-Bus' 'xorg-xwininfo: For picom-trans' 'xorg-xprop: For picom-trans' 'python: For picom-convgen.py') provides=('compton' 'compton-git' 'picom') conflicts=('compton' 'compton-git' 'picom') replaces=('compton-git') source=(git+"https://github.com/${_forkname}/${_gitname}.git") sha256sums=("SKIP")
pkgver() { cd ${_gitname} _tag=$(git describe --tags | sed 's:^v::') # tag is mobile, and switches between numbers and letters, can't use it for versioning _commits=$(git rev-list --count HEAD) # total commits is the most sane way of getting incremental pkgver _date=$(git log -1 --date=short --pretty=format:%cd) printf "%s_%s_%s\n" "${_commits}" "${_tag}" "${_date}" | sed 's/-/./g' }